Sunday, December 25, 2011

From the Editors Desk.

Dear Reader,
With the advances of new technology there are many things that you could be doing while reading this piece. You could be at your desk, taking a break from the hassle of Christmas Day or maybe your in front of a warm fire reading this off a laptop. You could be in the kitchen trying to get Christmas dinner together and pausing for a moment to read this off your phone. 

In many ways this is a simple explanation of Eurovision. While many people will (hopefully) read this post everyone's circumstances are a little different. This idea of uniting behind a concept, such as Christmas, is the same idea that unites us each year for the Eurovision Song Contest. Christmas day is a special day and each moment of it is special. Today is not a day for reports or analysis. Today is a day for family. (Although the real die hard fans will be watching FiK in Albania.) As a fan of Eurovision you should have learned of the love for fellow people of the world that comes from following the contest. Let us hope the love that unites us for Eurovision can glow through out the world as a guiding light for all those who have gone astray.
I would like to thank you following the blog over the last number of months and hope you will return soon. Eurovision is not as far away as think and in the next month the National Finals will get into full swing. We hope to be their with you to offer opinion and ideas about it. 

We wish you and your loved ones health and happiness both today and for the coming year.
With love, kind regards to all and good wishes,
Nollag Shona Duit, 

Editor of The Best Eurovision Blog.

P.S. I know this video is a bit obvious but it represents so much of what Eurovision means to me.

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